Office of the Inspector General (OIG)

OIG inspects each of the approximately 260 embassies, diplomatic posts, and international broadcasting installations throughout the world, to determine whether policy goals are being achieved and whether the interests of the United States are being represented and advanced effectively. Additionally, OIG performs specialized security inspections and audits in support of the Department’s mission to provide effective protection to our personnel, facilities, and sensitive intelligence information. OIG also audits Department and BBG operations and activities to ensure that they are as effective, efficient, and economical as
possible. Finally, OIG investigates instances of fraud, waste, and mismanagement that may constitute either criminal wrongdoing or violation of Department and BBG regulations.


Overseas Building Operations (OBO)

OBO assists the Secretary of State and the Under Secretary for Management with formulating policy on the Department of State’s worldwide buildings program abroad for the Department of State and the U.S. Government community. Through its extensive program of new construction, facility rehabilitation, and operations programs, OBO provides safe, secure, and functional living and working space for the thousands of men and women who represent the United States and perform the important work of diplomacy. Since 2001, OBO has constructed over 56 new facilities and has moved more than 17,000 personnel into safer structures, and many more new facilities are either in the design or construction phase.


Near East Asian Affairs (NEA)

The NEA manages U.S. foreign policy toward countries in the Middle East and North Africa; and directs, coordinates, and supervises diplomatic activities within those countries, including consular and administrative management issues. NEA covers the countries and geographic entities of Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. Regional policy issues handled by NEA include Iraq, the Middle East peace process, and political and economic reform in the Near East region.

  • Office of Arabian Peninsula Affairs (NEA/ARP): responsible for shaping, coordinating and implementing foreign policy in Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.
  • Office of Egypt and Levant Affairs (NEA/ELA): responsible for the management of U.S. relations for Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria.
  • Office of Maghreb Affairs (NEA/MAG): responsible for the policy between the United States and Algeria, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia.
  • Office of Israel and Palestinian Affairs (NEA/IPA): responsible for diplomatic issues associated with the Israel and Palestinian conflict.
  • Office of Iraqi Affairs (NEA/I): responsible for the offices of Economic and Assistance Affairs; Political Affairs; Political-Military Affairs; Provincial Reconstruction Transition and Stabilization Affairs; and the Iraq Policy and Operations Group.
  • Office of Iranian Affairs (NEA/IR): develops, coordinates, recommends, and executes U.S. policy on Iran.
  • Office of Regional Affairs (NEA/RA): responsible for issues affecting the region as a whole or cutting across the lines of responsibility of the various office directors, and provides specialized functional support to other elements of the bureau in the following fields: regional political and economic issues, political-military affairs, multilateral organizations, labor and social affairs, foreign assistance and budget planning, commercial coordination, science,
    educational and cultural affairs, research, legislative matters, counternarcotics, environment, refugees, counterterrorism and human rights.
  • Office of Press and Public Diplomacy (NEA/PPD): responsible for the coordination of public diplomacy activities in the NEA region.
  • Office of Middle East Partnership Initiative (NEA/PI): responsible for programming in support of reform throughout the region, with special emphasis on empowering women and youth, education, strengthening economies, and broadening political participation. They provide assistance to reformers to create foundations for sustainable economic and human growth.

Office of eDiplomacy (IRM/EDIP)

The Office of eDiplomacy (EDIP) seeks to promote the creative and innovative use of 21st-century web 2.0 tools to advance U.S. diplomacy. The office imagines, creates, advocates for, and educates on platforms for working collaboratively and sharing knowledge across all of State’s diverse communities. The Office of eDiplomacy uses innovative new media tools to provide creative, lightweight, and user-friendly solutions that are easily adaptable to region-specific needs and job functions. It oversees creative outreach-oriented programs such as the Virtual Student Foreign Service, the networking site for Foreign Service professionals, Corridor, and the Department’s Innovation Fund for promoting creative, high-impact use of existing technology.


Information Resource Management (IRM)

The mission of the Bureau of Information Resource Management is to rapidly and securely deliver anytime, anywhere, the knowledge resources and Information Technology services needed for the Department of State’s diplomatic team worldwide to accomplish the foreign affairs mission of the United States. This mission requires a workforce with a diverse skill set that combines strong technical skills with the ability to think analytically and use Information Technology as a strategic tool. Key offices include:

  • Office of External Affairs (IRM/EA): establishes, develops and expands long-term strategic and collaborative relationships with key U.S. and foreign government, industry, and multinational partners, engaging in national and international cyber security initiatives.
  • Strategic Planning Office (IRM/SPO): has a broad scope that requires a wide variety of IT skills and disciplines. Applicants will have a unique opportunity to view the entire Department of State IT landscape and to interact with IT managers and professionals throughout IRM and other bureaus.
  • Systems Integration Office (IRM/SIO): offers Department-wide applications and systems development and maintenance, systems integration services, data management, and a variety of innovative technologies.
  • Messaging Systems Office (IRM/MSO): develops, tests, and manages classified and unclassified mobile and desktop messaging systems that allow effective communications between all elements of the Department.
  • Office of IT Infrastructure (IRM/ITI): directs and manages the development, maintenance, installation, modernization and operations of the Department’s physical IT.
  • Enterprise Network Management (IRM/ENM): provides a secure global network and infrastructure, safe from intentional attack by any aggressor, and improves network reliability, customer response times, and troubleshooting.
  • Information Assurance (IRM/IA): performs the necessary Certification and Accreditation of both networks and applications; makes information assurance policy decisions, and interprets policy based on federal regulations and the Department’s internal regulations.

International Organizations (IO)

The Bureau of International Organization Affairs, domestically and through its seven missions, develops and implements U.S. policy in the United Nations, its specialized and voluntary agencies, and other international organizations. Our mission is to enhance U.S. leadership and influence throughout the multilateral system, advance U.S. interests through multilateral diplomacy, and help shape multilateral institutions into more efficient and effective instruments to meet the challenges of the 21st Century.

  • Office of Economic and Development Affairs (IO/EDA): Ensures that U.S. interests are effectively advanced in negotiations and debates on economic and development issues throughout the United Nations system. In doing so IO/EDA works closely with U.S. Missions to the UN in New York, Geneva, Rome, and Nairobi. IO/EDA core issues include those related to economic growth, sustainable development, financing for development, international development goals (such as the Millennium Development Goals and the post-2015 development agenda), food security, global health and population, the wellbeing of children, and urbanization.
  • Office of Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs (IO/HRH): Advances U.S. human rights policy through the United Nations, including the Human Rights Council, UN General Assembly, UN Security Council, ECOSOC, and across its specialized agencies. IO/HRH also reflects U.S. policy and objectives in the UN’s humanitarian system, which includes the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA); it coordinates multilateral humanitarian assistance and addresses global humanitarian crises, including those caused by political conflict. Through its work with the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR), IO/HRH coordinates multilateral responses to both natural and manmade disasters, as well as efforts to mitigate risks of natural disasters. IO/HRH also coordinates U.S. participation in the UN Democracy Fund, an initiative supporting civil society organizations carrying out democratization projects worldwide that the United States helped to create in 2005.
  • Office of International Conferences (IO/C): Accredits, instructs, and manages some 4,000 U.S. delegates to almost 400 multilateral conferences each year, ensuring that U.S. Government representation consists of those whose presence and participation reflect the highest possible value to U.S. foreign policy. The dedicated staff of 15 provides preparatory and on-site logistical support for nearly two dozen large conferences annually, and is committed to conscientious stewardship of the resources funded by America’s taxpayers.
  • Office of Management Policy and Resources (IO/MPR): Develops, coordinates, and implements U.S. policies within the UN system and in a broad range of non-UN organizations as they relate to financial, budgetary, administrative, and management issues. IO/MPR also promotes U.S. citizen employment in international organizations through public outreach and diplomatic engagement.
  • Office of Peace Operations, Sanctions & Counter-terrorism (IO/PSC): Leads the coordination and formulation of U.S. policy on UN peacekeeping operations, UN Security Council sanctions, and UN counter-terrorism activities. This includes active engagement on issues ranging from protecting civilians from lethal violence to counter-terrorism sanctions.
  • Office of Public Affairs, Planning, and Congressional Outreach (IO/PPC): Advances U.S. interests by communicating with global publics about U.S. priorities in international organizations, supporting outreach to Congress on U.S. multilateral activities, furthering the effectiveness of international organizations, and acting as the Bureau’s strategic planning element.
  • Office of Regional Policy and Coordination (IO/RPC): Ensures policy coherence and coordination in U.S. engagement in the multilateral system as a whole, including the UN and regional organizations; supports U.S. engagement in certain global and regional multilateral groupings (e.g. G-7); coordinates U.S. diplomacy on key Israeli-Palestinian multilateral issues; and oversees the bureau’s “Multilateral Moneyball” quantitative analysis initiative.
  • Office of Specialized and Technical Agencies (IO/STA): Handles U.S. participation in over 40 international organizations in order to enhance national security, build economic prosperity, and promote democracy. These organizations include the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the Universal Postal Union) UPU, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the UN’s other environmental activities, and the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
  • Office of United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization Affairs (IO/UNESCO): Formulates and implements U.S. policy in UNESCO to contribute to building peace, eradicating poverty, sustainable development, and intercultural dialogue. The office also serves as the headquarters of the executive secretariat of the U.S. National Commission to UNESCO.
  • Office of United Nations Political Affairs (IO/UNP): Provides guidance and support to the U.S. Mission to the United Nations (USUN) in New York on political matters before the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly (UNGA), and coordinates the State Department’s participation in the annual opening of UNGA.

International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL)

INL is responsible for developing and implementing bilateral and multilateral drug and crime control programs to accomplish goals and objectives in support of the Administration’s comprehensive strategy in the international arena. INL monitors the narcotics and crime control programs of different countries; plans, implements, and oversees international narcotics and crime control activities; negotiates cooperative agreements with foreign governments; and represents the United States at the United Nations, and other International Organizations on narcotics and crime matters.

  • Office of Policy, Planning, and Coordination (INL/PC): serves as the sounding board and ideas shop in the areas of both policy and management. It is also the principal go-between linking the bureau to other bureaus within the Department and to other federal agencies and departments. The office also coordinates legislative, public affairs, public diplomacy and international organization work for the bureau, and has overseen the bureau’s rapidly growing police training programs since their inception.
  • Office of the Americas Program (INL/LP): devoted to carrying out INL’s mission in the Western Hemisphere. INL/LP does this through funding and guidance to Narcotics Affairs Sections and, in some cases, individual Narcotics Affairs Officers in U.S. embassies throughout the Hemisphere.
  • Office of Iraq Programs (INL/I): develops and implements foreign assistance programs that promote stability and strengthen Iraq’s criminal justice system to the point that the people of Iraq rely on them—as opposed to militias and sectarian groups—to resolve disputes, maintain order, and seek justice. This assistance seeks to improve Iraq’s criminal justice institutions through the provision of technical expertise, training, mentoring, and infrastructure development.
  • Office of Africa and Middle East Programs (INL/AME): focused on developing, directing and overseeing critical foreign assistance programs which support comprehensive criminal justice sector capacity development in countries throughout Africa and the Middle East.
  • Office of Europe and Asia (INL/EA): responsible for broad law enforcement, rule of law and counternarcotics policies and program management in accordance with U.S. foreign policy objectives throughout Europe and all of Asia, excluding Afghanistan and Pakistan. INL/EA manages programs in 30 countries, including 15 countries in Europe, five countries in Central Asia, four countries in South Asia and six countries in East Asia and the Pacific.
  • Office of Aviation (INL/A): supports the curtailment of the supply of illegal drugs from foreign sources into the United States through aerial eradication of drug crops, interdiction of refining laboratories and trafficking activities, and other law enforcement operations as directed by the Secretary.
  • Office of Anticrime Programs (INL/C/CP): helps fight organized crime, high-level (kleptocracy) and other forms of corruption, money-laundering and terrorist financing, cyber- and intellectual property crimes, and, through efforts to strengthen border security, narcotics trafficking and other smuggling and trafficking crimes.
  • Office of Criminal Justice Assistance and Partnership (INL/CAP): provides assistance to the bureau, Department, and U.S. Government interagency and international partners to build the capacity of host-nation justice systems to prevent or eliminate transnational crime, strengthen governance and prevent conflict as part of the U.S. Government’s mission to support the development of stable democracies.

Global Talent Management (GTM)

Led by the Director General of the Foreign Service and Director for Global Talent Management (GTM), GTM carries out recruitment and examination for the Foreign Service. GTM develops and administers personnel policies and procedures of the Department, including assignments, career development, employee relations and retirement programs for both Foreign and Civil Service. GTM also coordinates the Department’s student employment programs, including the U.S. Department of State Student Internship Program and Pathways Internships. GTM publishes the Department’s monthly magazine for employees worldwide.

  • Office of the Director General (GTM/DGHR): supports the DG in accomplishing the mission of the Bureau of Global Talent Management. The Bureau of Global Talent Management (GTM) has the critical responsibility of hiring, developing, assigning, and supporting the Department of State’s greatest assets—our people. The Bureau of Global Talent Management works to provide the Department of State with fast, fair, transparent, and compassionate service, and continually strives to serve the Department better.
  • Office of Policy Coordination (GTM/PC): supports the Director General on bureau-wide issues and initiatives, serving as incubator, initiator, coordinator, and facilitator for HR policies. The staff works directly with the GTM Front Office to identify problems, brainstorm new policy initiatives, prepare for high-level decision making, and manage bureau-wide and department- wide human resources policies from inception to implementation.
  • Executive Office (GTM/EX): serves as the corporate face to a worldwide human resources management effort, providing continuous support to GTM for budget execution and formulation, travel, general services, personnel, training, internal systems, and priority GTM projects.
  • Career Development and Assignments (GTM/CDA): responsible for counseling and assigning over 12,556 Foreign Service generalists and specialists as well as non-FS personnel serving in FS positions overseas.
  • Office of Civil Service Talent Management (GTM/CSTM): primary functions and activities are staffing, career development, performance management, executive resources management, position classification, policy development, and merit systems oversight.
  • Office of Employee Relations (GTM/ER): promotes the effective use of Department human resources by developing, implementing and promoting quality of life policy and programs, maintaining human resources regulations, administering the discipline process, and communicating to employees on the work of Department people and programs.
  • Family Liaison Office (GTM/FLO): delivers services in the areas of the Community Liaison Office Program, Family Member Employment, Crisis Management, Support for Unaccompanied Tours, Education and Youth Services, and Expeditious Naturalization Support through online and in-office resources, training opportunities, planning seminars, presentations, publications, and the Community Liaison Office (CLO) program at our overseas posts.
  • Grievance Staff (GTM/G): investigates grievances and prepares recommendations, in the form of decision letters and settlement agreements, for the signature of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for GTM, for the resolution of grievances submitted under the Foreign Service Grievance System, the Civil Service Administrative Grievance System and the American Federation of Government Employees.
  • Human Resources Service Provider (GTM/HRSP): works strategically with the Global Talent Management community in identifying and responding to its changing needs. GTM/HRSP provides leadership and guidance in the development, implementation, and equitable administration of policies and procedures, thus promoting a positive work environment.
  • Human Resources Talent Services (GTM/TS): develops, coordinates, and administers the policies and procedures required to establish an integrated human resources tiered service delivery system for the Department. The system focuses on four interrelated tiers of service— online self-service tools, the GTM Service Center, Bureau GTM Service Providers, and the Bureau of Global Talent Management Corporate Office. It builds on existing GTM resources to strengthen and integrate human resources across the Department to better serve employees, enhance support to managers, and more efficiently use increasingly scarce HR resources.
  • Office of Casualty Assistance (GTM/OCA): provides administrative assistance and ongoing support following the death of a direct-hire U.S. citizen Department of State employee serving abroad or their family member, or of a Department of State employee in the United States.
  • Office of Overseas Employment (GTM/OE): formulates policies, regulations, systems and programs for the overseas employment of more than 56,000 Locally Employed Staff and family members serving the Department of State and other U.S. Government agencies at 170 U.S. Missions abroad.
  • Office of Performance Evaluation (GTM/PE): administers a Foreign Service performance evaluation system which fairly measures employee performance and potential, encourages honest feedback on employee performance and skills, distinguishes fairly between strong, average and weak performers, fosters tenure and promotion based on merit, rewards meritorious service, and separates employees who fail to meet standards.
  • Office of Talent Acquisition (GTM/TAC): GTM/TAC manages and coordinates the recruitment, examination, and selection and hiring of new Foreign Service human resources employees for the Department. Within GTM/TAC is the Office of Student Programs, which is responsible for managing pre-employment security, unpaid internship placements, fellowships, and orientations for all incoming unpaid students each season.
  • Office of Retirement (GTM/RET): administers the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System and the Foreign Service Pension System for participants of the Department of State and other foreign affairs agencies. The office issues policies and regulations and operates automated systems to manage these programs. GTM/RET determines eligibility for benefits and authorizes payment, adjustment, and termination of benefits under these programs and counsels U.S. Foreign Service employees and their families about these programs.
  • Office of Organization and Talent Analytics (GTM/OTA): provides a number of services in the areas of resource management, workforce planning, classification policy and compensation policy. GTM/OTA provides overall leadership and coordination in the development and implementation of policies, plans, procedures, and standards for classification of Foreign Service positions domestically and abroad, and for senior Foreign Service positions worldwide.
  • State Magazine (GTM/SMG): The flagship monthly periodical of the U.S. Department of State, State Magazine provides a critical window into Department operations for employees, government leaders, members of the American public, and host-country nationals in the 170+ countries where American diplomats serve around the world. As the Department adapts to new challenges in the 21st century, State Magazine will be there every step of the way, documenting and reporting on the work of those who advance U.S. foreign policy objectives through diplomacy.

Foreign Service Institute (FSI)

Housed at the George P. Shultz National Foreign Affairs Training Center, FSI trains Department of State and other U.S. Government agency employees involved in foreign affairs and encourages research and other studies of new and developing areas of foreign policy concerns. FSI develops training materials for total curriculum including video and multimedia-based training courses. A critical function of FSI is to provide intensive instruction in over 60 languages, for Foreign Service Officers and other government employees assigned overseas. FSI also offers a variety of area studies courses that familiarize Foreign Service personnel with the specific geographic/cultural area to which they are assigned. The Institute also assists personnel and their families going to, or returning from, overseas assignments in cross- cultural and lifestyle adaptation, in addition to family and work adjustment/readjustment.

  • Leadership and Management School (FSI/LMS): The Leadership and Management School offers mandatory and elective leadership and management training for supervisors and managers from entry to executive levels, roundtables and policy seminars for senior leaders, and crisis management training overseas and at the Shultz Center. LMS oversees the Leadership and Managing Training Continuum to ensure participation by Foreign Service and Civil Service employees and works with bureaus and overseas missions to improve organizational effectiveness and crisis management.
  • Office of Public Affairs (FSI/OPA): The Foreign Service Institute (FSI) Office of Public Affairs is a fast-paced, creative and collaborative office that offers an internship experience providing insight into public diplomacy, diplomatic training and foreign affairs. The office manages FSI’s Congressional Affairs and media relations, oversees the bureau’s social media and public-facing digital engagement, and spearheads a number of programmatic campaigns and initiatives such as the Heroes of U.S. Diplomacy initiative. For additional background on our work, intern applicants can refer to and follow links to our social media channels.
  • School of Applied Information Technology (FSI/SAIT): The School of Applied Information Technology provides training for the Department of State’s IT workforce, end-user training and IRM Tradecraft training for all levels at the Foreign Service Institute (FSI). In addition, SAIT provides training to users from other federal agencies and contractor employees on a reimbursement basis.
  • School of Language Studies (FSI/SLS): The School of Language Studies helps students enhance their language learning skills as an aid in their FSI studies and as a foundation for advancing their learning while at post. In this office, Foreign Service Officers study over 70 languages split into different areas: East Asian and Pacific languages (EAP), European and African languages (EUA), Near East, Central, and South Asian languages (NEA), Romance languages (ROM), Slavic, Pashto, and Persian languages (SPP).
  • School of Professional and Area Studies (FSI/SPAS): The School of Professional and Area Studies (SPAS) provides tradecraft, orientation, and area studies training for State Department employees, as well as employees from other U.S. government agencies. SPAS training prepares the full range of foreign affairs professionals to successfully advance U.S. government foreign policy goals and objectives by providing world class orientation and area studies training to the broadest possible community of Foreign and Civil Service professionals, as well as appropriate professional tradecraft training across all relevant fields. SPAS works with strategic partners across the Department of State, the U.S. government, and the academic and private sectors to continually deliver the highest quality training utilizing the latest knowledge about adult professional learning. SPAS provides hundreds of professional courses to all categories of Department personnel in a wide range of topics, namely, Orientation, Area Studies, Management, Consular, Public Diplomacy, Political, Economic/Commercial, and Office Management.
  • Transition Center (FSI/TC): The Transition Center (FSI/TC) helps prepare employees and their family members for effectiveness in the foreign affairs community transitions throughout, and after, their careers. It is comprised of the Training Division (TC/T), the Overseas Briefing Center (OBC), and the Career Transition Center (CTC).

European and Eurasian Affairs (EUR)

EUR conducts U.S. foreign relations with countries in Europe. It directs, coordinates, and supervises U.S. Government activities within these regions, including consular and administrative management issues, and U.S. assistance. In addition to working on country-specific issues, the bureau offers the opportunity to do multilateral work related to the European Union, NATO, the OSCE, the OECD, the G-8, and the Council of Europe. Applicants interested in these multilateral positions should specifically note such interest in their Statement of Interest.


  • Office of the Coordinator of U.S. Assistance to Europe and Eurasia (EUR/ACE): The Office of the Coordinator of U.S. Assistance to Europe and Eurasia (EUR/ACE) oversees the economic, security, democracy, and humanitarian assistance of all U.S. Government agencies providing assistance to the former Soviet Union and Central and Eastern Europe. When Congress passed the Support for Eastern European Democracy (SEED) Act of 1989 and The Freedom for Russia and Emerging Eurasian Democracies and Open Markets (FREEDOM) Support Act (FSA) of 1992 to promote democratic and free market transitions in the former communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, it also established the position of Coordinator. For more than 20 years Coordinators have worked to promote this transition in 29 countries, stretching from Central Europe to Central Asia. Eleven Central and Eastern European nations have since “graduated” from U.S. non-security assistance; all of these countries have now joined the European Union and NATO. A Coordinator leads a team of Foreign Service, Civil Service, and contractor specialists that includes country assistance officers and experts in democracy promotion, justice sector and security programs, strategic planning, budgeting, and evaluation. In carrying out its responsibilities, the office closely works with U.S. embassies, State Department bureaus, other U.S. government agencies, bilateral and international donors, and nongovernmental organizations.
  • Office of Central European Affairs (EUR/CE): The Central Europe office covers 10 countries – Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Switzerland. Beyond diverse country-specific issues, our office has recently focused on regional topics such as energy security, the migration crisis, and security cooperation/NATO. Our interns usually help desk officers covering each country and also work on some regional projects. Tasks could include but are not limited to reviewing/collating information from embassy reporting, scheduling and attending/taking notes at meetings with ambassadors and other foreign visitors, drafting correspondence and other official messages, writing and/or ‘clearing’ briefing papers for senior officials to prepare them for meetings, and working on other projects according to your particular interests.
  • Office of South Central Europe (EUR/SCE): EUR/SCE is a 20-person office responsible for bilateral relations with Albania and six of the seven successor states of the former Yugoslavia (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia). The policy focus of the office includes supporting and promoting democratization and political stability in the region, spurring economic reform and growth, and assisting aspirant nations’ efforts to further integrate into the Euro-Atlantic community.
  • EUR/Front Office: The Front Office is responsible for overall bureau supervision regarding policy implementation. The office manages the flow of information from the EUR desks to the Assistant Secretary – as well as the Secretary and Deputy Secretary. Interns would have a birds-eye view of the activities of the entire region and cross-cutting issues covered by all of the other offices in the bureau.
  • Office of the Coordinator of the U.S. Assistance to Europe and Eurasia (EUR/ERA): Recommends and coordinates action and positions on Department policies related to the European Union (including the European Commission, European Council, and European Parliament) and the Council of Europe.
  • Office of Caucus Affairs and Regional Conflicts (EUR/CARC): Responsible for Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia, and supports the U.S. Co-Chair of the Minsk Group.
  • Office of Central European Affairs (EUR/CE): Responsible for Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Switzerland.
  • Office of Nordic and Baltic Affairs (EUR/NB): Responsible for Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, and Sweden.
  • Office of Policy and Global Issues (EUR/PGI): Responsible for policy formulation and substantive expertise about global issues within the EUR region; strategic planning; and Congressional relations.
  • Office of Press and Policy Outreach (EUR/PRESS): Develops strategies for presenting U.S. policies to media and audiences in the United States and articulates and shapes U.S. Government discourse on issues related to Europe and Eurasia.
  • Office of Public Diplomacy (EUR/PD): Involved with strategies for presenting U.S. policies, values, and culture abroad and coordinates with other State Department bureaus and other departments to identify, articulate, and shape U.S. Government discourse for European and Eurasian audiences in support of U.S. policies.
  • Office of Policy and Regional Affairs (EUR/PRA): Coordinates policy on cross-cutting nonproliferation and security issues, nuclear and strategic issues, missile defense, arms control, security assistance, sanctions, Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) policy and implementation, and international space cooperation.
  • Office of European Security and Political Affairs (EUR/RPM): Develops and coordinates policy on U.S. security interests in Europe, including those related to NATO, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and European contributions to multinational military operations.
  • Office of Russian Affairs (EUR/RUS): Responsible for the policy and diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation.
  • Office of South Central European Affairs (EUR/SCE): Responsible for Albania, Bosnia- Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia.
  • Office of Southern European Affairs (EUR/SE): Responsible for Cyprus, Greece, and Turkey.
  • Office of Ukraine, Moldova, and Belarusian Affairs (EUR/UMB): Responsible for the policy and diplomatic relations with Ukraine, Moldova, and Belarus.
  • Office of Western European Affairs (EUR/WE): Responsible for Andorra, Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, the Netherlands, Portugal, San Marino, Spain, the Vatican, and the United Kingdom.


  • U.S. Embassy Bern: U.S. Embassy Bern welcomes interns to our Political/Economic and Public Affairs sections and to the Office of the Ambassador and Deputy Chief of Mission. U.S. Embassy in Bern is the permanent U.S. diplomatic mission to Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Embassy Bern interns with the Political/Economic section have the opportunity to contribute to Post reporting to Washington on issues related to economics and politics in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Working with the Front Office allows interns the opportunity to see the work of the entire mission and develop an understanding of the relationship between an Embassy and Washington in the policy development and implementation process. Working with Public Affairs, interns can work on press and social media, as well as on educational and cultural outreach to diverse audiences in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
  • U.S. Embassy Bucharest: Bucharest Romania is the best place for a Department of State internship that you may never have thought of! The Mission is actively involved in supporting security, shared prosperity, and promoting democracy and rule of law in Romania, as well as leadership within the Embassy. The work is not only interesting, but substantively contributes to the bilateral relationship with this important NATO ally. Romania is a hidden gem in Europe – with spectacular mountains, medieval castles, the Danube Delta, Black Sea resorts, and modern city night life. And although a member of the EU, they are not yet on the Euro, which means your European internship will cost you significantly less here than it will in the rest of the EU. The Greeks, the Romans, the Ottomans, the Austro-Hungarians – everyone wanted to be in Romania and so should you.
  • U.S. Embassy Croatia: U.S. Embassy in Zagreb welcomes interns to our Public Affairs, Management and Political/Economic section. Responsibilities and duties may vary considerably depending on the season and office at which you are assigned to. In the Public Affairs section you will assist in planning and executing cultural events, social media content development as well as participate in our outreach program to youth, students and exchange program alumni. Political/Economic section focuses on researching issues in Croatia and the surrounding region, including rule of law, anti-corruption and regional cooperation. Working in the Management section will give you a close view of how the Embassy works and supports all other sections. Interns will experience being a part of large scale visits and events and are integrated into all aspects of Embassy life.
  • U.S. Embassy Dublin: Embassy Dublin, Ireland can offer an exciting, productive and challenging opportunity to interns. Interns can expect to be assigned to an appropriate office upon arrival at Post. Participating offices would include, but not limited to, Consular Office, Public Diplomacy, Political Section or the Management Section. While not mandatory, it would be helpful to have interns with strong writing skills and knowledge of the politics and culture of Ireland. All of our interns can expect to be involved fully in their assigned office with duties/assignments being varied yet stimulating. Each intern will be supported by the Post Intern Coordinator, who will be available to provide information and assist with adjusting to life at the Embassy. While housing is the responsibility of the intern to secure, the Post Intern Coordinator would assist the intern in identifying suitable accommodation once they have been granted clearance to intern at Embassy Dublin.
    Our previous interns have described their time at Embassy Dublin as a ‘once in a lifetime opportunity’, ‘hands on’ and a ‘thoroughly enjoyable experience.’ We look forward to welcoming the arrival of new interns to Embassy Dublin, Ireland!
  • U.S. Embassy Yerevan: The Republic of Armenia is an emerging democracy with a substantial diaspora in the United States. The two countries enjoy close ties. The United States provides an extensive assistance package to Armenia, which is a post-Soviet state still undergoing political and economic reform. Interns will have the opportunity to work in a variety of sections in the Embassy where they will be given an outstanding opportunity for an inside-view of the operations and management of an U.S. Embassy abroad. All internships offer close working contact with the embassy staff and give interns a clear taste of life in the Foreign Service.”
  • U.S. Embassy Holy See (The Vatican): The U.S. Embassy to the Holy See welcomes interns in both its Political-Economic and Public Diplomacy sections. Interns gain in-depth knowledge of the Vatican’s role in international affairs by working closely with Embassy staff to engage the Holy See on a range of shared priorities, including promoting religious freedom, advancing interreligious dialogue, and combatting trafficking in persons. Interns have the opportunity to work with diplomats throughout the Embassy, up to and including the Ambassador, on substantive projects. Political-Economic section interns conduct research on a variety of countries and global issues, draft reporting cables, and attend meetings and conferences with Vatican officials and other diplomats. Public Diplomacy section interns play a critical role in drafting the Embassy’s daily news product, creating social media content, and assisting with cultural events and programs.
  • U.S. Embassy Copenhagen: An internship at the U.S. Embassy in Copenhagen will give an American student excellent insights into the workings of a U.S. diplomatic mission as well as a great intercultural experience. Embassy Copenhagen values and appreciates the input and ideas students can provide at a workplace; at the same time we acknowledge the need for students to obtain firsthand experience in the labor market before completing their studies. We place great value on international and intercultural experience. For those reasons, U.S. Embassy Copenhagen offers a variety of internships within our Political/Economic Section, Environmental Scientific Technology & Health Office, Consular Affairs Section, Regional Security Office, Public Diplomacy Section, and Management Affairs Section. We offer an intern a dynamic and interesting workplace in a highly international environment, with the opportunity for a great variety of tasks and networking opportunities.
  • U.S. Embassy Valletta: The Republic of Malta is a Southern European republic consisting of an archipelago situated in the center of the Mediterranean Sea, 50 miles south of Sicily. The population is around 400,000. Malta covers just over 122 square miles in land area, making it the European Union’s smallest member state and one of the world’s smallest and most densely populated nations. The capital city of Malta is Valletta and the two official languages are Maltese and English. Embassy Valletta serves as the U.S. government’s mission to Malta, with a mission focused on improving Mediterranean regional security, strengthening bilateral U.S.-Maltese commercial ties, promoting shared values of tolerance and inclusion, and protecting the lives and serving the interests of U.S. citizens in Malta. An internship at Embassy Valletta would expose interns to the day-to-day duties and responsibilities of a Foreign Service Officer as interns regularly participate in high level meetings, write cables, and interact with the Ambassador and Deputy Chief of Mission on a daily basis.
  • U.S. Mission Italy: U.S. Mission Italy consists of Embassy Rome, U.S. Mission to the United Nations Agencies in Rome, Embassy to the Holy See and Consulates General Milan, Naples and Florence.
    The United States and Italy share strong bilateral relations. Italy is a member of NATO and is a founding member of the European Union. Intern positions are generally offered in the Consular, Executive, Political, Economic, ESTH (Environmental, Science, Technology & Health), Public Affairs sections. Public Affairs interns will be enriched by challenging and rewarding experiences which include planning and organizing press conferences and media events as well as programs for U.S. government-sponsored speakers and other cultural events. In the Consular section, interns assist with a full range of services to American citizens living in or traveling to Italy including voting, customs, local health resources and processing of non-immigrant visa applications of nationals from over 130 countries. In the Political-Economic-ESTH section, interns contribute in research and drafting reports on topics that cover political and economic policy issues, investments in Italy, U.S. exports, Italian domestic and Foreign policy developments as well as environment-related issues: renewable energy, climate change, carbon emissions, and land/sea wildlife regulation, space cooperation, biotechnology, particle physics, U.S. – Italian scientific cooperation and the Italian government’s promotion of scientific advancement. Health issues include Avian Influenza and health-related aspects of bioterrorism. Mission Italy has a wide range of options for interns whether they serve at one of the three Embassies in Rome or one of our consulates in Milan, Naples and Florence.
    The U.S. Mission to the UN Agencies (USUN) in Rome is the link between the U.S. Government and the UN Rome-based food/agriculture and other international organizations (IOs). The United States is the largest country donor at these IOs and the Mission participates in all budget and governance oversight committees. USUN Rome contributes to policy formulation and program prioritization at the IOs on issues such as food security, refugee/famine assistance, commercial law harmonization, humanitarian and gender issues, nutrition, water and natural resource management, oceans issues, biotechnology, and infectious diseases. Interns will have the opportunity to work on a variety of analytical and public diplomacy related tasks and attend UN meetings, conferences, press events, and negotiations. Interns have the opportunity to assist multilateral diplomatic activities that advance U.S. policies and support efforts of the Rome-based international food and agricultural organizations.
  • U.S. Mission Poland: U.S. Mission Poland consists of Embassy Warsaw and Consulate General Krakow. Poland is a stalwart ally in Central Europe and one of the United States’ strongest partners on the continent in fostering transatlantic security and prosperity regionally, throughout Europe, and the world. The United States and Poland partner closely on issues such as NATO capabilities, counterterrorism, nonproliferation, missile defense, human rights, economic growth and innovation, energy security, and regional cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe. Intern positions are historically offered in the Consular, Political, Economic, Public Affairs, and Management Sections and provide students an enriching experience ranging from assisting visa applicants, drafting cables on various issues, writing daily news briefs, participating in various Mission outreach initiatives, and supporting high level visits. Mission Poland has seen two Presidential visits in the last two years as well as numerous other high level visits, and Interns have the opportunity to work on these historic events. Mission Poland has an active and engaged Embassy/Consulate community, and Interns are welcome and encouraged to attend Mission sponsored social events. Interns will find living in Warsaw and Krakow comfortable as both are modern European cities offering an array of restaurant, cultural, and shopping options. Cost of living is relatively low in Poland, especially in comparison to many western European countries. Many people living in the major Polish cities will speak some English. Poland itself has a fascinating history and numerous tourism options. The public transportation system via bus, tram, metro, and train makes it easy to explore Poland and adds to the overall experience as a Mission Poland Intern.
  • United States Mission to Bulgaria: The men and women of the United States Mission to Bulgaria are committed to strengthening the partnership between the United States and Bulgaria. Using the highest standards of professional excellence and personal integrity, we focus our efforts in three priority areas:
    • Security: As NATO allies, we seek to enhance our mutual security as well as regional and international stability;
    • Prosperity: As commercial partners, we work to increase bilateral trade and investment that promote stable growth in both economies; and
    • Democracy: As democratic societies, we cooperate to expand good governance and strengthen the rule of law within Bulgaria.
  • U.S. Embassy Budapest: Embassy Budapest would like to host five (5) interns. Intern positions will be available in the following sections: Consular, Political/Economic (POL/ECON), Public Affairs (PAS), Environmental, Science & Technology and Health (ESTH) and the Regional Security Office (RSO). While duties vary with each section, all interns will receive valuable experience and make specific contributions while learning the nuts and bolts of the practice of diplomacy. In the Consular section summer interns have an unmissable opportunity to get first-hand experience with U.S. immigration law and policy. Working together with State Department officers, interns in the Political/Economic section typically conduct research on priority issues, help organize events and visits with high level officials, and draft concise analyses of political and economic developments. At the same time, we pair interns with officers so they can experience firsthand the conduct of foreign affairs. In Public Affairs, interns will support a busy media section, focusing on social and online media, but also assisting with press and cultural engagement as needed. The intern would likely help with press events, daily press summaries and with organizing cultural events. Environmental, Science & Technology and Health, interns in ESTH will have a unique opportunity to learn about ESTH programs, including, but not limited to, analyzing the impact of governmental policies and programs on the environment, innovation, and health. Regional Security Office interns will perform name checks online using Consular and RSO software, issue badges to newcomers, replace badges for recertified locally employed staff members and replace any worn or broken badges. Interns will experience the security aspect of an Embassy first hand.
  • U.S. Tri-Mission Brussels: The U.S. Tri-Mission Brussels is comprised of three distinct Missions, each with its own specific role.

    The Mission of the United States Embassy to the Kingdom of Belgium is to advance the interests of the United States, and to serve and protect Belgium. The Embassy reports and analyzes developments in Belgium of concern to the United States, and advances a broad range of U.S. policy initiatives.
    The Embassy promotes United States’ economic and commercial interests, and the export of American agricultural and industrial products and services, and otherwise assists American business, workers and investors.
    The Embassy engages the government and a broad range of organizations and individuals in Belgium to promote shared values. Among others, these include individual freedom, human rights and democracy and the rule of law.

    The U.S. Mission to NATO (USNATO) is the official representation of the United States to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It is located at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.
    Twelve countries, including the United States, founded the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on April 4th, 1949. An intergovernmental military alliance that emphasizes collective defense, NATO recently celebrated its 60th anniversary and has grown its membership to include 28 democratic countries throughout North America and Europe. The U.S. Mission to NATO works to advance U.S. national security and the security of our NATO Allies through multinational collaboration on key issues such as Afghanistan, Russia, piracy, missile defense and the Balkans.

    The U.S. Mission to the European Union (USEU) manages the permanent relationship between the United States and the European Union. The relationship to the EU Presidency, which rotates every six months, is managed by the U.S. embassy in the member state that holds the presidency.
    USEU is located in Brussels, Belgium, and is separate from the other two U.S. missions in Brussels, Embassy Brussels and the U.S. Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (USNATO).

  • U.S. Mission Geneva: The United States Mission to the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva advances U.S. policy on the front lines of multilateral diplomacy at over 100 international organizations in Geneva. U.S. Mission personnel engage daily on issues as diverse as refugee crises, global health, management, international law, economic development, trade, the environment, arms control and human rights. The fundamental job of the U.S. Mission to the United Nations and Related Agencies in Geneva is to protect the economic interests, national security and cultural and humanitarian values of the U.S. To do this, we interact with Geneva-based agencies through a combination of diplomacy, funding, and supervision. Specifically, we work with other states and interested parties to influence the direction of these agencies’ operations, make contributes to these agencies’ budgets, and supervise these agencies’ strategic planning, management, and budget processes. Through interagency engagement across these three lines of effort, we can ensure that the Geneva-based multilateral system is as effective, transparent and accountable as possible. The work of all our staff, including Foreign Service Officers, locally employed staff, and interns, touches the entire world and enhances the reputation, security and prosperity of the American people.
  • U.S. Mission to the Netherlands: Diplomatic relations between the Netherlands and the United States go back to 1782, which is the single longest unbroken diplomatic relation with the United States. Candidates have two opportunities for internships at the U.S. Mission in the Netherlands: the Embassy in The Hague and the Consulate General in Amsterdam. The Embassy in The Hague promotes strong bilateral ties between the United States and the Netherlands and works actively to increase cooperation on counter terrorism, enhance U.S. economic prosperity, and fight international crime and drugs. It carries out these tasks by working with the Netherlands as a NATO and coalition partner; by promoting shared goals between the U.S. and the EU, of which the Netherlands is a member; by advocating U.S. trade policy goals and U.S. business and commercial interests; and by working with law enforcement agencies in the Netherlands to fight transnational crime. The Consulate General in Amsterdam provides assistance to American citizens residing in or visiting the Netherlands and visa services for temporary visitors and immigrants to the United States. The Consulate General in Amsterdam also promotes our bilateral ties with the Netherlands in their capital region.
  • U.S. Embassy Tbilisi: The U.S. Embassy in Tbilisi was established April 23, 1992 after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Our Mission is to bolster democratic and participatory governance in Georgia, foster institutions that uphold and enforce the rule of law, improve the quality and delivery of social services, promote integration with the NATO, increase regional cooperation, lay the groundwork for a sustainable resolution of conflicts with the separatist regions based on Georgia’s territorial integrity, and help Georgia to achieve sustainable economic growth.
    An internship with our Embassy will afford you the opportunity to learn about the inner works of a diplomatic mission abroad gain invaluable experience in one of the three of our most dynamic sections: Political /Economic, Public Diplomacy and Regional Security Office. Interns can analyze and report on significant events and trends in Georgian domestic politics (elections, political parties, regional relations, media, human rights etc.), participate in a number of academic, cultural and information activities, and contribute to the implementation of the security programs.
  • U.S. Embassy Vilnius: The U.S. Embassy in Vilnius welcomes interns in our Consular, Political-Economic and Public Affairs Sections. The Baltic region is on the frontline of both NATO and the European Union and interns here will gain in-depth knowledge of the important political and security roles played by Lithuania. Consular interns help consular officers protect national security and promote legitimate travel to the United States by preparing validation studies on travel trends. Political-Economic section interns have the opportunity to assist Embassy staff in researching and drafting reports on a variety of issues including economic, energy, corruption, governance, international relations, human rights and minority issues. Public Affairs interns help to counteract disinformation campaigns and promote a positive image of the U.S. by coordinating cultural events and public outreach programs, and contributing to the embassy’s social media platforms.
  • U.S. Embassy Skopje: The capital of Macedonia is Skopje. It has a population of approximately 600,000 inhabitants. Skopje is a fairly small modern city that is becoming an important diplomatic center in the Balkans. It plays a vital role in the cultural and academic life of the country because it is the political and economic center of Macedonia. It houses the headquarters of all state institutions and all major religious communities in the country. More than 1,000 shops, cafes, restaurants, and other services operate in and around the city. Skopje provides opportunities for both indoor and outdoor sports. Soccer and basketball are popular for all ages. The city offers tennis courts, soccer stadiums, and basketball stadiums. Skopje’s Old Bazaar is located on the left bank of the Vardar River. Stretching over several blocks, it has long been an attractive part of town for artists and visitors. Many poems have been written about the covered bazaar, which was once divided into 18 different bazaars, one for each traditional craft. However, with the passage of time, most crafts have died out and only a few expert craftsmen – shoemakers, goldsmiths, and coppersmiths – remain. Skopje is an important tourist center in the Balkans. In addition to the charming Old Town and the Kale Fortress on a hill overlooking the city, Skopje attracts guests for its rare cultural and historical monuments. The Church of the Holy Savior St. Spas, located in the Old Town, is famous for its wood-carved iconostasis and icons from the 18th and 19th centuries. It also shelters the tom of Goce Delcev, the ideologist of the Macedonian National Liberation movement. In addition, the Izet Begovata and the Mustafa Pasha mosques in Old Town highlight traditional Islamic architecture and culture. Skopje has a rich cultural life, which includes concerts, theaters, cinemas, opera and ballets. The Macedonian National Philharmonic performs at the National Theater. Many festivals are held throughout the year in Skopje and other cities. One major highlight is the Skopje International Jazz Festival held in October, which hosts many famous American musicians such as Herbie Hancock, Chico Rea, BB King, and Ray Charles. Some of the other popular festivals include the Ohrid summer festival, the Struga poetry evenings, and various art festivals. The political scene in Skopje has been very active the last few years, creating a dynamic environment for reporting. Interns will be directly involved in outreach and Diplomacy efforts within their sections at the Embassy. Housing is provided for interns in Skopje.
  • Luxembourg: The Information Resource Management section requests an intern with a good understanding of computer networks, network security and Microsoft Office/SharePoint. The ideal candidate will have customer service skills to assist users in troubleshooting hardware and software issues. Duties will include installing and configuring software, workstations, printers and other peripherals as well as responding to user trouble tickets. The intern will also complete other duties as assigned, including assisting Post in managing unclassified pouch, mail services, landline/mobile telephones, inventory, and maintenance/updating of our SharePoint site.
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