Diplomat in Residence – Mid-Atlantic

(NC, VA)

Stephanie Hutchison, DIR Mid-Atlantic

Region: Mid-Atlantic

Affiliate Schools: UNC Chapel Hill and Duke University 


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Tours: Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago (Consular and Economic Officer), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (Political Officer), Office of Southern European Affairs (Turkey Desk Officer), Rabat, Morocco (Deputy Economic Chief), Lisbon, Portugal (Economic Unit Chief), Accra, Ghana (Economic Section Chief)

Career Track: Economic

Years of Service: 18

Prior Experience: Before I joined the Foreign Service, I worked in market research and environmental consulting. In both cases, I gravitated towards the international work done at these organizations. Ultimately, it was a 2004 trip to Damascus, Syria for a UN-related environmental consulting project that convinced me I wanted to represent my country and join the Foreign Service.


Education: BA in International Affairs with a minor in Economics from Colby College in Waterville, ME and a Masters in Law and Diplomacy from the Fletcher School at Tufts University.

Interesting Experience: The Foreign Service offers no end of unique experiences. However, the one I remember most vividly is from my second tour in Tanzania. I served as the Political Officer, covering refugee issues, among others. I had the opportunity to visit refugee camps and settlements to meet with men and women and their children displaced by conflict. On one occasion, I observed a group of 20 or so Congolese refugees board their resettlement flight to start new lives abroad. Their excitement was palpable and their bravery humbling.

Last Post: Economic Section Chief in Accra, Ghana

Why I Chose a Foreign Service Career: Since high school, I’ve been interested in foreign affairs. I knew I wanted a career that would let me explore new cultures and economies, but I didn’t know how to get there. I took advantage of opportunities in the private sector after college, which grounded me with a strong skill set. But there was always something missing. Many of my graduate school classmates took the Foreign Service Officer Test. I wasn’t quite convinced I was the right fit for the Department of State. After talking to these same individuals several years into their first or second tours overseas, I knew the Foreign Service was for me. Thankfully the Department thought so too! Seventeen years later, it has been an incredible opportunity filled with meaningful work, continual learning, and adventure.