
“It’s a team effort, whether in the operations center or an embassy. Everyone from all of the career tracks has a critical role that they play in the conduct of diplomacy.”



“I went up to see the king. Now I was forbidden to touch him, so I didn’t shake hands or anything, but I made a little speech. ‘I’m proud to be here on behalf of the United States government, and return this important and sacred object to you.'”



“You get exposed to very unique experiences and very unique situations. All the psychiatric skills that I’ve learned over the years, you have an opportunity to apply that directly in many different ways, often unexpected ways.”



“Coming from the private sector background where I was dealing with all of those issues and trying to understand them, it was really intriguing to me to move from understanding them to helping to impact them and improve them and working for U.S. interests.”



“I think a lot of times, people sit on the sidelines and are frustrated with the way the world is going or the directions we’re going as a country or the different policies we have, and this career gives you the ability to make a real difference, and you can touch people’s lives.”



“You really are the representative of much more than yourself – and how you carry yourself and how you conduct your business often means more than just for that immediate situation. It means everything from how our relationship with a country will be, to maybe even the future of our foreign policy.”



“My motivation for pursuing a career and completing my degree program was my children. I strive to lead by example and provide positive assurance that, through hard work and dedication, anything is possible.”

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