Counterterrorism (CT)
Formerly the Office of the Secretary’s Coordinator for Counterterrorism (S/CT), the Bureau of Counterterrorism coordinates the USG’s international counterterrorism policy to build the political will of foreign partners to combat terrorism and to assist our partners to develop practical capacities—in law enforcement, border control, and banking regulation, among others—to identify, interdict and defeat terrorists. CT engages with foreign governments and publics to reinforce policy goals; provides practical assistance to build law enforcement capacity (the Anti-Terrorism Assistance Program), counterterrorism finance skills (Counterterrorism Finance Program), and border control (Terrorist Interdiction Program); and builds and sustains USG counterterrorism capabilities through the Foreign Emergency Support Team (FEST) and Technical Support Working Group (TSWG). CT engages in bilateral, multilateral, and public diplomacy to deter terrorism, develops justification for the U.S. Government’s biennial designation of foreign terrorist organizations, and leads the interagency Foreign Emergency Support Team that stands ready to deploy overseas on four hours notice in the event of an international terrorist incident.