Educational & Cultural Affairs (ECA)
The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs supports long-term national interest by fostering mutual understanding between the people of the United States and other countries. Bureau academic and professional exchange programs identify future leaders and build a foundation of trust with current and potential leaders throughout the world. Bureau programs and activities include the Fulbright Program, the International Visitor Program, Citizen and Professional Exchange Programs, English Language Programs, Cultural Programs, Educational Advising, the Humphrey Fellowship Program, undergraduate exchanges including the Gilman Scholarship Program, and teacher exchanges. ECA offices include:
- Office of Academic Programs (ECA/A): sponsors and oversees all academic programs funded by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and liaises with the higher education community. Academic Programs is comprised of three offices: the Office of Academic Exchange Programs, the Office of Global Educational Programs, and the Office of English Language Programs.
- Office of Policy and Evaluation (ECA/P): The Office of Policy and Evaluation includes programs and functions that cut across all ECA programs and exchanges. The Policy Unit represents all of ECA at Department and interagency meetings and discussions, while the Evaluation Division conducts studies and performance measurement of all ECA programs. The Office of Alumni Affairs (ECA/P/A) seeks to engage alumni not only from ECA exchanges, but from other U.S. Government exchange programs as well. Finally, the Cultural Heritage Center (ECA/P/C) supports the foreign affairs functions of the U.S. Department of State related to the protection and preservation of cultural heritage.
- Office of Professional and Cultural Exchanges (ECA/PE), comprised of two offices: Citizen Exchanges and International Visitors. These offices conduct a broad range of people-to- people exchanges in support of U.S. foreign policy priorities, and reach out to professionals in government, business, education, and nonprofit organizations, as well as high school students and representatives from the cultural and sports sectors.
- Office of Citizen Exchanges (ECA/PE/C), comprised of four divisions: Cultural Programs, Professional Fellows, SportsUnited, and the Youth Programs. These divisions manage a variety of exchange programs which promote mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries in support of U.S. foreign policy priorities. The programs provide foreign participants the opportunity to enhance their knowledge and understanding of the United States so they can better address the challenges facing their countries, and offer Americans the opportunity to learn about other cultures while sharing their expertise and experience with their foreign counterparts.
- Office of International Visitors (ECA/PE/V): brings current and emerging foreign leaders to the U.S. to meet and confer with professional counterparts and to gain a more complete understanding of the U.S.
- Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Private Sector Exchanges (ECA/EC): Three offices for Private Sector Designation, Administration and Coordination and Compliance administer all aspects of the Exchange Visitor Program (EVP) to provide foreign nationals with opportunities to participate in educational and cultural programs in the United States and then return home to share their experiences, and to encourage Americans to participate in educational and cultural programs in other countries. The three ECA/EC offices designate over 1,400 U.S. organizations to sponsor EVP exchange activities in 15 program categories, and monitor the sponsors’ adherence to federal EVP regulations. Designated EVP sponsors include government agencies, academic institutions, educational and cultural organizations, and corporations.