You will not be allowed to use ANY electronic devices, including cell phones or smart watches, while in the Assessment Center; they must be stored in the secure room while you are in the Center. You will be allowed to use electronics when you are outside of the Assessment Center (for example, when you are on your lunch break). You will be allowed to take non-smart watches into your testing area, but stopwatches or smart watches are not allowed; the assessors will time you when required.

You can read printed materials while on breaks that you spend in the Assessment Center, so feel free to bring printed books, magazines, notes, etc. As a candidate, you may not use your own writing materials, nor can you take much with you into the rooms for assessment exercises. We will provide the resources you need to take the assessment.

Any items that you bring with you must fit in a container no larger than a backpack. All items must be able to pass through an x-ray machine. There is no place to store luggage or items that cannot be x-rayed. There is a secure room in which candidates can store a small bag and hang up coats.

You can take the following items into your assessment exercises: medication, lip balm, glasses, breath mints/hard candy, tissue, earplugs. The Program Assistant may ask to see these items before you are permitted to have them in the testing areas.

If you have a documented disability and require the use of a medical device (glucose monitor, orthopedic cushion, etc.) during your assessment, you must request to do so in advance. Please see the section below on how to request a reasonable accommodation.