Educational and Cultural Affairs

“We combine time-tested tools of professional, cultural, and academic exchanges with innovation and technology that expand audience reach and impact.”

The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) designs and implements educational, professional, and cultural exchange and other programs that create and sustain the mutual understanding with other countries necessary to advance United States foreign policy goals. ECA programs cultivate people-to-people ties among current and future global leaders that build enduring networks and personal relationships and promote U.S. national security and values.

Within the bureau, there are two offices that offer opportunities to live and work abroad in a Foreign Service career: The Office of English Language Programs and the Office of American Spaces.

The Office of English Language Programs designs and manages exchange programs and produces resources that foster mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries through strengthening the teaching of English around the world. Regional English Language Officers (RELOs) advise U.S. embassies and consulates as well as foreign governments and educational institutions and provide their expertise in designing and implementing English language programs and English language teaching and learning resources that advance the United States’ strategic foreign policy goals and priorities.

The Office of American Spaces provides strategic direction, funding, and training to nearly 600 American Spaces around the world, American Spaces are centers to promote engagement with audiences around the world on issues of importance in U.S. foreign policy and on U.S. culture and values. Regional Public Engagement Specialist provide professional expertise and program support to U.S. missions on American Spaces development, management and operations.

As a Regional Public Engagement Specialist, you will advise public diplomacy sections in your regional portfolio on all aspects of American Spaces operations and programming and provide training to ensure outreach and services are cost-effective, high-quality, and compatible with U.S. missions’ strategic goals. American Spaces advance U.S. foreign policy by supporting civil society activities, running effective English teaching programs, promoting study in the United States, engaging exchange program alumni, and providing accurate information about the United States. As varied as the communities where they are located, Regional Public Engagement Specialists ensure American Spaces serve as key places where people-to-people connections between the United States and foreign audiences can grow.

As a Regional English Language Officer, you will advise and strategize with U.S. embassies and consulates to design and implement English language programs and resources that promote the teaching of English and advance public diplomacy goals around the world. RELOs cultivate meaningful relationships with host country governments, educational institutions, professional English teacher associations, teacher trainers, and English language professionals to build and strengthen the teaching of English globally. Increasing English language learning and teaching overseas deepens and enriches engagement with Americans, builds lasting bridges between cultures, and furthers the Department of State’s strategic priorities and foreign assistance goals by expanding access to education and employment.

Position Descriptions

Position Descriptions
First Column Second Column
Person IconRegional English Language Officer
Person IconRegional Public Engagement Specialist