Frederi – Fellowships – Franklin Fellows

“The Franklin Fellows program tries to draw people from all walks of life and all types of professions. Occasionally they try to find scientists who are willing to work in the State Department to advise on science diplomacy policy.”

Wendy – Fellowships – Franklin Fellows

“The Franklin Fellows program has provided me unparalleled insight into the workings of government. It has afforded me the opportunity to exercise my skills and to grow my skills in communication, coordination with stakeholders with a wide variety of interests that need to be balanced to come to a consensus position.”

Careers in Space Diplomacy Do Exist

“Space exploration and applications and utilization involve a lot of complex issues where multiple things have to come together in very exquisitely coordinated fashion in order for the space project to succeed.”

Use Your Science Background to Contribute to Diplomacy

“Diplomacy for science is where we help reduce the barriers to helping our scientists get access to the best facilities, the best teams, and the people so that they can continue to be leading in the worldwide scientific community.”

Learning Opportunities in Ways You Never Would Imagine

“I have a much broader perspective of the world and a much better understanding of how science and the research that we do in labs has an impact on the greater world, how it affects our policy making and how it affects our diplomatic relations.”
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