U.S. Department of State Careers
Economic and Business Affairs
"I appreciate the many opportunities for personal, professional growth and development in the Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs. From the EB Office front on down, there's widespread support for training, for attendance at professional development conferences, and mentoring
IT Customer Support
"The challenge of providing modern IT these days is an awesome challenge. There's a lot of friction , folks wanting to bring in new technology, and, of course, balancing that with security."
Medical Specialists
"Working with the U.S. Department of State, you will be a vital part of history in the making. Every day, you will experience the challenge and excitement of a career at the forefront of health care and International Affairs."
Representing America
"I wasn't expecting the State Department to be what it is. I don't know what I was expecting. Perhaps a government job that focuses largely on reading through documents and writing reports, but it's turned out to be the most remarkable experience. And I get to support our leaders in their mission and do a job that matters."
Hear from our employees as they share their perspectives on the work they perform and the impact and rewards of a career with the U.S. Department of State.
Foreign Service Officers
Helping a Foreign Rocket Scientist Become an American
“We come from all kinds of backgrounds and when we go out to the State Department we show all those backgrounds to the world. I am America for the people who walk into the door.”
Work on Economic Policies that Impact American Lives
“I think of the livelihoods of the people who work back in America, the people that I grew up with, the people that I serve as a public servant. And what I do overseas makes it so that they have a better economic future and their children, and my children have better economic future.”
Reinvent Yourself in a New Role Every Few Years
“This turned out to be the most remarkable experience. Every two to three years I get to reinvent myself professionally, I get to live all over the word, and I get to support our leaders in their mission and do a job that matters.”
Naturalized Citizen Goes from Model UN to U.S. Diplomat
“There is great support from the Pickering Fellowship team…the fellowship has had a tremendous impact on my beginnings as a Foreign Service Officer.”
Creating Positive Impressions of American Values
“Every basic lesson for me is that I am an American and whoever I’m speaking with or interacting with is coming away with some sort of impression about my country. And so it's important to me that everything I do here in Washington or overseas that I’m creating the most positive impression of what my values are as an American.”
Showcasing American Culture to the World
“The more that we can help build skills, build confidence, and also build leadership skills and leadership traits in young people, the better.”
Changing Perceptions and Empowering People
“I certainly do my best to represent the United States overseas in terms of contributing to changing people’s perceptions; not just about the United States but also about their own societies to empower people so that they begin to demand more from their political leadership.”
Representing America While Returning Priceless Royal Antiquities
“I went up to see the king…I’m proud to be here on behalf of the United States government and return this important and sacred object to you.'”
Tandem LGBTQI Couple Share Success in the Foreign Service
“…they assigned us to serve together in Jerusalem. And in fact, even before it became policy to work to try to keep us together the way they keep together married opposite sex couples the Department has been very good to us in terms of working to keep us together and having us serve together.”
Children's Issues - Comparative Cultures
“…When I joined the Foreign Service and learned about the Office of Children’s Issues, I really wanted to work there. I thought that this was something- parental child abduction and adoption cases- that I would like to do and would be good at. Turned out to be true.”
Foreign Service Specialists
From U.S. Marine to Facility Manager in the Foreign Service
"I wanted to do something a little bit more exciting. I worked in public service all my life, and I wanted to return to that, so coming to the Department was a great fit for me. We maintained a built environment, whether it's residential housing or office spaces.”
Bringing American Aesthetics in Architecture to the World
“I was assigned to oversee new construction and renovation…Making those buildings a work of architecture that represents American society and the American government is, for me, a very important aspect of the work I do.“
Pursuit of a Federal Law Enforcement Career Leads to Becoming a Special Agent
"What the Bureau of Diplomatic Security likes to see in all eligible candidates who apply for our agency is that uniqueness that can show that you can handle responsibility…that actually know how to process things without overreacting, that can resolve issues, and have cognizant thinking capability."
there are many opportunities where you represent your country every day both on the job and off the job
"…there are many opportunities where you represent your country every day both on the job and off the job- when you're on personal time in the country and especially on the job. Because in my position I'm dealing with senior bank officials I'm dealing with vendors and those that provide services to the embassy for a whole range of things from everything from security to utilities to equipment and supplies."
Tangela - FSS - Information Management
"The transition for me from the United States Navy to the Department of State, which – was a natural one. I always serve my country, and I continue to want to serve my country. The U.S. Navy taught me leadership and management skills; the U.S. Department of State has taught me customer service skills and a greater sensitivity to others needs."
Ann - FSS Medical Professional
"We gave up quite a bit, but we thought that we will gain a lot more. Especially for our children, they will be exposed to various cultures around the world and will be able to actually see first-hand what it means to interact with people from various backgrounds as well as getting exposed to different languages. It's one thing to read about it, but it's nothing compared to actually being there. You know, intermingle with the people that actually are from that area and get to experience their food and their culture first-hand it's much better than anybody could ever read."
Lindy - FSS - Medical Provider
"I think you definitely have to come into this position with some experience, and you have to have a pretty firm background and be confident in your clinical skills. But no matter what, it's going to be kind of a scary proposition to think about joining, and you know, being responsible for a health unit. But I really think that this position feels more to me like a career than any job I've had to this point."
Ethan - FSS - Office Management
“There's no one path to becoming an office management specialist because this is an incredible opportunity and no matter where you're coming from this could be the career for you.”
Cristine - FSS - Office Management
"It is so much different, and it's so much more than what I could have ever imagined it to be. Your customer service is always trying to help the secretary of the president push their worldwide agenda, foreign policy agenda, and economic agenda, and that's a different skill set of customer service. So, I think that's probably the largest or the biggest most important skill that I learned or acquired while I was on the job and then leadership".
John - FSS - Family Doctor
"It's amazingly similar, I think, because you take care of an entire family frequently, and you take care of an entire community. The similarities between operating in a rural family practice setting and within an embassy or consulate are that you take care of some of the same people that you socialize with, that you go to church with, that you see on a social basis, and it's nice that way you get to build relationships."
Chimere - FSS - Security Engineering Officer
“This is a very educational challenging experience for me. It gets me out of my comfort zone as well as gives me the opportunity to serve and represent my country overseas without carrying a gun. So that’s what keeps me going, being able to learn a new skill and learn how to wire up a panel or alarm system by myself, you know. It really gets me out of my comfort zone.”
Noe - FSS - Security Technical
“I believe in what we’re doing overseas, promoting democracy and this is my contribution in the manner I can do it. Service is something I think everyone should do.””
Ron - FSS - Special Agent
"One of the great things about this job and a lot of jobs within the Foreign Service, is that you have the opportunity to meet an array of different people. You never know what you are going to do from one day to the other."
Chris - FSS - Medical provider
“One of the reasons I joined State was just the feeling that I wanted to make a difference. I wanted to make a difference more than just in my little clinic. And this is one of those examples where we really did make a difference.”
Emily - FSS - Regional Medical Officer
"A whole worldwide experience which you really can't get any other way, and at the same time still use your skills and your talent for practicing medicine and psychiatry."
Sam - FSS - Security Engineering
"I tell engineers all the time. You can do great work here. You can provide a public service, you can serve your country, and you can see the best parts of the world."
Anthony - FSS - Special Agent
"I think it is important for us to get out there, keep these strong relationships and also educate everyone back here to how the whole world is interconnected. And all too often, I don't think people really understand that your clothes that you wear, your car that you drive how your economics are tied up in other countries. People don't understand these impacts.
Advance Diplomacy through Healthcare as a medical diplomat.
"The Foreign Service is a unique job skill set that you really must be prepared for – the uncertainty of the position. You’re going to be out of your comfort zone but its job like no other. You’re a manager. You’re a traveler. You’re a diplomat."
Person Centric - Impact and represent American lives.
“The State Department is an excellent place to work. People are our greatest assets. You get to meet different people from different walks of life, from different backgrounds. To me, that is the America I know and want to represent.”
A career that caters to primary care, providing service and expose my family to a variety of cultures.
“What is really amazing about this career path is that every post has something really interesting to offer, it’s like a new job when going to every country.”
A Rewarding and Impactful career through Healthcare
“This career brings skills that you never though you would need. You need to produce solutions quick - think, react and act. The situations aren’t generally stuff that psychiatrist aren’t trained to do but we are asked to help, so it’s exciting.”
Foreign Service Construction Engineer
Stephanie Felton, a Foreign Service Specialist who serves as a Construction Engineer, describes her path to the Foreign Service, at the U.S. Department of State
Foreign Service Facilities Manager
Irina, a Foreign Service Specialist who serves as a Facilities Manager, describes her path to the Foreign Service, at the U.S. Department of State
Foreign Service Facilities Manager
Colin, a Foreign Service Specialist who serves as a Facilities Manager, describes his path to the Foreign Service, at the U.S. Department of State
Foreign Service Facilities Manager
Alicia, a Foreign Service Specialist who serves as a Facilities Manager, describes her path to the Foreign Service, at the U.S. Department of State
Domestic/Civil Service
There’s a career for you. And one for you. Careers for everyone!
“…no matter what your interests are, whether you're interested in political reporting, analysis of what's going on, economic issues, environmental issues, consular services, there's something here for everybody.”
Join a Culture of Commitment
“What makes it so nice is that at the end of the day, there’s a culture here where people honestly care about what they do…they’re here to not only advance the mission for foreign policy, but they really enjoy working with the people.”
Mission-Driven Careers that Represent America
“…it is an amazing lifelong opportunity to be a part of this great country and help in the Department's diplomatic mission and working with countries around the world to build a more secure and prosperous country for people from all over the world.”
Diplomacy’s Impact on Personal Lives
“…I've become more aware of political issues internationally. I'm more sensitive to those issues now, especially women's rights and other issues that we find in other countries. It has given me awareness and sensitivity that I don't think I had before.”
Public Service Careers that Make a Difference
“…when I'm thanked for the work I do because somebody has desperately needed a service that we provide. I think that sense of accomplishment, that sense of helping and belonging to something greater than myself, is very important, that call to public service. ”
Use Your Unique Background to Help Explain America to the World
“I had the opportunity to talk about my experiences as an American, as somebody who wasn’t born here but grew up here, learned to speak different languages…I think I was able to broaden perspectives of the people that I met who had a very narrow view of what it is to be an American.”
Broaden Your Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills
“I learned a lot while I was a passport adjudicator…the greatest skills that I acquired was the analytical skills that I was able to learn and also critically to think fast on my feet…you get to meet really awesome people and work with really dedicated people.”
Creating Connections in Public Service
“What the Department of State offers is do something for my country... that was the most inviting aspect to it all. It's very difficult to live in Washington and not be a part of the political scene.I think that once you connect, you begin to understand what Washington is all about....”
Set your perceptions aside. There’s a Place Here for You Regardless of Your Major.
“I would definitely encourage anybody, no matter what age, to definitely look at the State Department… I don’t have the political science or international type background. I studied sociology, business, and Russian.”
Professionalism Combined with Mission Equals a Great Place to Work
“The people that I work with are just so professional, so well-meaning we're all drawn together by a collective sense of mission. It may not be identical in the details of how it's done, but it's a shared vision for improvement, and encourages me….”
Experience Real-Time Job Satisfaction
“One of the most fulfilling aspects of this job is how quickly your turnaround gets over from your development network to production…Every process you streamline, you’re going to see the benefits of that live, and you can measure your improvements right there.”
Adaptability and Flexibility Result in Making a Difference
“I think someone who’s coming into being a Specialist has to be very willing to learn and have to be willing to have a lot of information be given to them at one time. They have to be open to change and be flexible because there is a lot of shifting and changing.”
Juliana - Civil Service - Foreign Affairs
“Being able to have a direct impact on migration, being able to somehow contribute to my community. It’s quite exciting to be here and be doing policy work, but also getting a glimpse of the reality that I made here.”
Brandon - Civil Service - Program Analyst
“To anyone who is thinking of becoming a Passport Specialist, I would say that no matter what your background is, no matter what your first language is, no matter where you’re from, don’t feel shy about the process or don’t be intimidated about applying to become a Passport Specialist.”
Corneal - Civil Service - Training
“I like to contribute knowledge. That’s my overall passion, providing others with knowledge. I’ve learned just as much in the process of all of that.”
Learning Opportunities in Ways You Never Would Imagine
“I have a much broader perspective of the world and a much better understanding of how science and the research that we do in labs has an impact on the greater world, how it affects our policy making and how it affects our diplomatic relations.”
Use Your Science Background to Contribute to Diplomacy
“Diplomacy for science is where we help reduce the barriers to helping our scientists get access to the best facilities, the best teams, and the people so that they can continue to be leading in the worldwide scientific community.”
Careers in Space Diplomacy Do Exist
“Space exploration and applications and utilization involve a lot of complex issues where multiple things have to come together in very exquisitely coordinated fashion in order for the space project to succeed.”
Wendy - Fellowships - Franklin Fellows
“The Franklin Fellows program has provided me unparalleled insight into the workings of government. It has afforded me the opportunity to exercise my skills and to grow my skills in communication, coordination with stakeholders with a wide variety of interests that need to be balanced to come to a consensus position.”