The bureau performs all corporate financial management services, programs, and systems activities, including delegated financial management authorities from the Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Act of 1990. With offices in Washington, D.C. and Charleston, South Carolina, Global Financial Services provides financial services not only to the Department of State’s domestic and worldwide offices, but also a myriad of other federal agencies with overseas presence.
- Office of the Executive Director (CGFS/EX): The Executive Director is the Bureau of Comptroller and Global Financial Services’ chief internal resource and administrative official responsible for the bureau’s resource allocation, planning and management systems that provide administrative support, and management coordination.
- Government Accountability Office, Liaison Office (CGFS/GAO): The GAO works directly with the designated lead bureau point of contact to coordinate information-gathering activities. The Liaison advises the Department on the status of an ongoing study, coordinates GAO access to records and documents, and assesses GAO foreign travel.
- Office of International Cooperative Administrative Support Services (CGFS/ICASS): ICASS is the principal means by which the U.S. Government provides and shares the cost of common administrative support at its more than 200 diplomatic and consular posts overseas. The ICASS system seeks to provide quality services at the lowest cost, while attempting to ensure that each agency bears the cost of its presence overseas.