The purpose of the practice Foreign Service Officer Test (FSOT) is to provide you with a realistic preview of the computer-based FSOT. The practice test simulates the actual FSOT in terms of questions, length of testing, and administration. Scores achieved will indicate your potential performance on an actual FSOT with good probability.
You can take the practice FSOT at any time from the convenience of your personal computer by accessing the link below.
When you finish the practice FSOT, you will receive your score. You will also be provided with suggested study materials which could help you improve your score. Finally, after 6 months you will be given another opportunity to measure your improvement by taking an alternate version of the practice FSOT.
The practice test includes the Job Knowledge, English Expression, and Situational Judgment sections of the FSOT, but not the Written Essay. We do not provide a practice version of the Essay due to the high cost of scoring essays.
The FSOT is just the first stage of the selection process into the Foreign Service. Subsequent stages include an evaluation of qualifications and a Foreign Service Officer Assessment (FSOA). Passing the FSOT does not ensure passing the entire process. It is the first step that must be passed, which is why we offer this preparation opportunity.